The Refuseniks & Activists project
The Refuseniks & Activists project
brings together holdings from archives
brings together holdings from archives
around the world to tell the story of
around the world to tell the story of
Jewish migration from the Soviet Union
Jewish migration from the Soviet Union
(USSR) during the Cold War.
(USSR) during the Cold War.
The Refuseniks & Activists project brings together holdings from archives around the world to tell the story of Jewish migration from the Soviet Union (USSR) during the Cold War.
This project highlights the motivations,
This project highlights the motivations,
actions, and courage of the Refuseniks—
actions, and courage of the Refuseniks—
Soviet Jews denied permission to emigrate—
Soviet Jews denied permission to emigrate—
and the efforts of activists around the world
and the efforts of activists around the world
who lobbied on their behalf. Their stories
who lobbied on their behalf. Their stories
offer unique perspectives on the
offer unique perspectives on the
ever-relevant topics of Jewish identity,
ever-relevant topics of Jewish identity,
human rights, solidarity movements,
human rights, solidarity movements,
and immigration.
and immigration.
This project highlights the motivations, actions, and courage of the Refuseniks—Soviet Jews denied permission to emigrate—and the efforts of activists around the world who lobbied on their behalf. Their stories offer unique perspectives on the ever-relevant topics of Jewish identity, human rights, solidarity movements, and immigration.